Our inspiration for starting this business is our son Cameron. Our son Cameron has Autism. Children on the Autism spectrum benefit from a special diet. We have a cupboard where we keep Cameron’s food. Cameron opens his cupboard daily to try to find GOOD tasting food. We have purchased products in the past that have sounded good but have disappointed us. We want to give Cameron GOOD tasting food because he deserves that.
Cameron’s brother has a culinary degree and has helped to develop some granola recipes. With some testing on many friends and relatives, we have perfected the recipes and they are yummy. We would like to share them with you.
Cameron’s sister will be helping with social media. With her talent she will be a good member of our team.
Cameron’s Mom will be making the granola.
Cameron’s Dad will be helping with the tech.
We will be selling our granola at Farmers Markets in our area. From there we plan to distribute via our website, local stores and beyond.
As you can see this will be a family business. We are proud to work together to support Cameron’s quality of life.
We are passionate about giving to Autism causes. We are giving a percent of the profits to Autism causes that will benefit Cameron and others like him.